Shared Software

Software is located on a shared computer. They are non-floating licenses and no dongle is available to transfer temporary ownership.

Olympus cellSens Imaging Software

Olympus cellSens Imaging Software provides image analysis and processing on images taken on the Olympus FV3000 confocal microscope such as 2D and 3D deconvolution, unmixing, intensity plots, colocalization, object counting, confluency, tracking, and FRET and FRAP analysis.

AzureSpot Analysis Software

AzureSpot Analysis Software allows for advanced analysis for 1D gels and blot images taken on the Azure c600 Molecular Imager. The software automatically detects lanes and bands, corrects for background, allows for visualization intensity plots by lane (sample) and channel (probe), has lane correction tools, performs 1D densitometry, calculates molecular weight, quantifies fluorescent signals, allows for visualization of multiplex analyses, and more.

BioTek Image Prime Software

BioTek Image Prime provides image analysis and processing on images taken on the Biotek Cytation 5 Plate Reader/Imager such as background flattening, image deconvolution, digital phase contrast, image statistics (e.g., image total intensity, intensity above/below a threshold), cell count and confluence, analysis of subpopulations of cells, multiple analysis masks for advanced measurements (e.g., cytoplasmic signal, signal translocation), scatterplots/histograms for visualizing and gating cell level data, and more.

Imaris (Single Full)

Imaris - Single Full gives you complete power and flexibility of all Imaris functionalities such as visualization of complex 3/4D microscopy datasets with automated Spots and Surfaces detection and visualization (100s of GBs), smart detection of complex objects, tracing of neurons, blood vessels (no lumen) or other filamentous structures, tracking including cell division detection, batch analysis, and a wide range of customized analysis powered by MatLab or Python.


Snapgene allows you to plan, visualize, simulate, and document your molecular biology procedures.

  • Visualize: see multiple views of, and edit, DNA, chromosome, and protein sequence.
  • Simulate: simulate a variety of common cloning and PCR methods such as to confirm that a restriction site is suitable for cloning, visualize all aspects of the cloning process, simulate a standard PCR, fuse up to 8 fragments by overlap extension PCR, perform site-directed mutagenesis using mutagenic primers, simulate Gateway BP cloning, LR cloning, Gibson Assembly, or In-Fusion Cloning, capture a PCR product by TA or GC cloning, and anneal two oligos to form a double-stranded product.

Ingenuity Pathway Analysis

Ingenuity Pathway Analysis is a functional analysis tool for comprehensive omic data for 1) making sense of your omics data and 2) searching and exploring biological and chemical knowledge. For example, you can:

  • Identify the most relevant signaling and metabolic pathways, molecular networks, and biological functions for list of genes
  • Predict the direction of downstream effects on biological and disease processes
  • Predict the activation and inhibition of upstream transcription factors
  • Compare affected pathways and phenotypes across multiple testing conditions
  • Quickly gain knowledge on genes and chemicals by browsing categorized and curated publications
  • Dynamically build and explore bio-molecule interaction networks supported by literature findings
  • Identify potential biological impacts of custom networks
  • Generate testable hypothesis for your genes of interest
For Training Please Contact:
Allia Fawaz
SCRC Core Microscope Imaging Manager
Gross Hall Building Manager
(949) 824-0430