SCRC Flow Core Plan

SCRC Flow Core Plan for Ramp Down


**COVID19 Update**

Effective 3/21/20 through 05/01/20

In response to the guidance from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, the SCRC plans to ramp down non-critical research including our core services in flow cytometry and cell sorting. I want to reiterate that UCI Research ramp-down and curtailment guidelines mandate that ONLY CRITICAL experiments be performed.

**For critical Cell Sorting & Analysis

  1.      Email Vanessa Scarfone with a rationale for running your critical experiment.
  2.      This will go through an approval process and an appointment will be booked on your behalf in iLabs. 

*Note that you will NOT be able to log into FACS DIVA unless you have been approved to run the experiment.

If approved, please do not come to lab if you are sick or feeling ill, or are caring for someone who is ill. Make sure to clean all surfaces and wash hands before and after your experiments.

Click here to review Office of Research Ramp down.


Thank you,

SCRC Flow Core

Vanessa Scarfone