Sidney Golub, Ph.D.
Sidney Golub, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, School of Medicine
Dr. Golub obtained his B.S. from Brandeis University, his PH.D. from Temple University School of Medicine (1969) and was a Damon Runyon Fund Postdoctoral Scholar at the Dept. of Tumor Biology, Royal Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden (1969-1971) . He was on the faculty at the UCLA School of Medicine from 1971-1994 and at UCI from 1994 to the present. He was the Executive Director of The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) from 1999-2003.
Research Focus
My current interests focus on research ethics and science policy issues. I am particularly concerned with how we make and implement policy on human stem cells including embryonic and other pluripotent stem cells. One aspect of this interest is exploring the differences between California and the other states on stem cell policy. A related interest focuses on how to promote ethical principles within basic and translational research. My laboratory research program is not currently active. It followed two closely related themes: the in vitro regulation of cytotoxic cells by cell interactions, cytokines, and other regulatory factors and the in vivo expression of cytotoxic cell function in cancer patients. The major focus of these studies was on the regulation and expression of cytotoxicity by human Natural Killer (NK) lymphocytes including the function of lymphocytes at the tumor site (tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, or TILs) as these cells represent the immune response at the interface with the malignant cells.
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Favorite book:
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller