Keyence BZ-X810 Inverted Microscope


Our two Keyence BZ-X810 inverted widefield fluorescent microscope systems are intuitive, great for beginners, and can autofocus samples. Both Keyence systems include a multi-stack (zstack) module and are great for high-speed capture of wide-areas for stitching.

One system is specialized for imaging fixed cells and includes optical sectioning module for clear, high resolution, confocal-like images, and includes DAPI, GFP, TRITC, TXRED, CY5 and brightfield/phase filter wheels; it can image using up to four filters at a time. The lens objective choices include 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, and 60x (oil) for fixed slides.

Our second system is specialized for imaging live cells and includes a Tokai Hit stage-top incubator for CO2, temperature, and humidity control and the ability for time-lapse capture and video recordings. It includes DAPI, GFP, TXRED, CY5 and brightfield/phase filter wheels; it can also image using up to four filters at a time. The lens objective choices include all LWD objectives: 4x, 10x, 20x, and 40x.

For Training Please Contact:
Allia Fawaz
SCRC Core Microscope Imaging Manager
Gross Hall Building Manager
(949) 824-0430