Olympus FV3000
Olympus FV3000 Laser-Scanning Confocal Spectral Inverted Microscope
The Olympus FV3000 includes 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, and 640nmsolid-state lasers, 2x ma-PMTs and 2x GaAsP-PMTs, as well as a Tokai-HIT stage top incubator. The objectives include:
- Plan-Apo 1.25x/0.04 WD 5.1mm
- Plan-Apo 10x/0.4 WD 3.1mm
- Plan-Apo 20x/0.75 WD 0.65mm
- Plan-Apo 40x/1.25 SI Oil WD 0.3mm
The FLUOVIEW FV3000 is designed to meet some of the most difficult challenges in modern science. With the high sensitivity and speed required for live cell and tissue imaging and the ease of use and flexibility required for microplate imaging and complex screening protocols, the FV3000 Series supports complete workflows from live cell 2D–6D (x,y,λ,z,t,p) imaging through image processing, like deconvolution, and analysis. Particular attention has been paid to the needs of cell biology, cancer research, and stem cell research.
The precision and resolving power of galvanometer scanning is combined with the speed of resonant scanning in the FV3000RS hybrid scanner so users can combine both precision and high-speed imaging in one experiment.
The FV3000RS employs Olympus TruSpectral detection technology. A highly efficient and sensitive spectral system utilizing patented Volume Phase Hologram (VPH) transmission and an adjustable slit, enabling users to select the detection wavelegth of each individual channel to 2 nanometers. With up four separate spectral detector units, TrueSpectral’s efficient design enables the FV3000RS to run in a multichannel lambda scan mode for both live and post process spectral unmixing. This unique design makes it easy to perform simultaneous spectral imaging on samples containing both bright and dim signals.
The recharge rate for the Olympus FV3000 Confocal system is $25/hr for academic users and $33 for non-academic users.